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Céline Magnéché Ndé Sika:

The woman behind the project


Céline is a Social Entrepreneur, educationist, writer, motivational and inspiring speaker dedicated to women, child and youth advancement. Her business knowledge and professionalism is supported by over 21 years of experience acquired from the non-profit and education industries. 


In 2002, Céline created AFFAMIR (Association for the wellbeing of women and families of rural areas) to accompany the development efforts of the Banéghang Cooperative Credit Union, a micro finance institution she established with her husband and ten other community members in 1997 to enable less privileged community members to access financial resources. Women, who played a capital role in raising families and building the country, needed to be empowered so they can take loans, use it to start or develop income generating activities, and successfully pay it back. 

But Céline also decided to look after children and the youth creating conditions for the latter to fulfill their God-given potential –enhancing the quality of educational services, providing sexual and reproductive health information, supporting vocational training, providing scholarships to children from very poor families, and pads for girls-.

Céline is equally a Certified Professional Diversity Trainer with The Professional Women Network (PWN), holds a PhD in Spanish Philology (University of Zaragoza, Spain); a Master of Arts in Women’s Studies (Universidad Valladolid, Spain); a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, and a Spanish Teacher Degree (University of Yaoundé, Cameroon). She is also a hotel and wine consultant, and author & co-author of several books. She has written and published articles in national and international newspapers and scientific magazines on several topics specializing in Development, African Oral Literature and Personal Development.

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